Mr. Rosenblum has a Federal Income Tax Practice. He does not advise on USVI law.
British Virgin Islands
New York
England and Wales
South Dakota
Miami University School of Law, LL.M (Estate Planning)
Emory University School of Law, J.D.
George Washington University, B.A.
Michael Rosenblum is a Miami-based attorney focusing on international estate, trust, and tax planning for high net worth clients. He also serves as the co-chief executive of a US family office of a multinational family.
Mike is licensed to practice law in New York, Florida (where he is board certified in tax), Colorado, South Dakota, England and Wales, and the British Virgin Islands. He received his B.A. from the George Washington University, his J.D. from the Emory University School of Law, and his LL.M. in Estate Planning from the University Miami School of Law.
He has authored articles and presented on complex domestic and international estate and tax planning issues in various academic forums, including the American Bar Association and Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners.
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